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Cardiopulmonary & Respiratory

Improve Heart & Lung Function With Medical Professionals

For the respiratory department, please call 307.578.2457.

Cardiopulmonary and respiratory therapy are monitored programs designed to help patients diagnosed with heart and/or lung disorders.

Our cardiopulmonary and respiratory therapy services include:

  • 12-lead EKGs: Electrocardiograms (EKGs) record electrical activity in the heart to evaluate the muscle’s strength
  • Holter monitoring and scanning: a 24 or 48-hour test to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias
  • 30-day event monitoring: a cardiac monitor worn for 30 days to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: a 12-week program of education and exercise for people who have heart-related issues
  • Nebulizer therapy: A medication inhaled through the mouth and nose to treat asthma
  • Chest physiotherapy: This treatment removes mucus from the lungs and breathing passageways but lightly, but firmly tapping key areas of the body
  • Oxygen delivery: A direct dosage of oxygen for patients who are having difficulty breathing
  • Complete pulmonary function testing: diffusion and breathing tests used to diagnose lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis
  • Asthma education: a comprehensive program to educate about triggers, disease severity, components of the airway, managing symptoms, maintenance and acute medications
  • COPD education: An educational course teaching patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease various ways they can improve lung function and quality of life
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